Sunday, September 28, 2008

About drunk chicks in line for the restroom...

Note: Rough language to follow, be aware.

So this last weekend I went out with my sister. She really wanted to go out with her friends from class so I agreed to go along and we ended up at The Rathskeller biergarten on a weekend of Oktoberfest listening to Polka music. As strange as that sounds it was actually pretty fun dancing around to Polka versions of top forties songs as well as some great German ditties.

At any rate, at some point I had to use the ladies room and headed down hoping for a short line. No such luck, there were about forty women in line for 6 stalls. As I stood there this is the conversation that I overheard:

Woman 1: Man this line goes on forever.

Woman 2: Can you see around the corner?

Woman 1: Yeah it goes around another one!

Woman 3: Wouldn't it be great if we could wear those adult diapers and not have to break from dancing?

Woman 1: You mean like the astronaut?

Me: The one that drove across the country?

Woman 3: Yeah, if we had those we wouldn't have to waste our time here.

Woman 2: Yeah but no guy would fuck you with a diaper on.

Woman 1: You could always switch them out before the night is over.

Woman 2: And then you'd smell like piss. (This woman was not liking this idea)

Woman 3: Yeah I guess it's hard to get laid smelling like pee. (Woman 3 gave in realizing her idea wasn't that great after all)

It went on a little after that, but this is the general idea of the rest of the conversation. At first I found this pretty amusing and was giggling to myself, but then when I got to thinking about it later I was just sad for these women. They probably just need love and it made me feel depressed about their lives.

So here's the thing about drunk chicks in line for the restroom, they make me grateful for the life I have.

Monday, September 22, 2008

About Christian Musicians II

Sadly, the previous video has been taken away and I cannot find it. Perhaps because it was featured on The Soup this week? It certainly received a great deal of attention. At any rate, I apologize that it is no longer's a sad day.

If you want to check out the people who took it off YouTube, check them out at:

PS. A friend of mine found the clip from the soup and here it is.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

About Christian Musicians

I'm not really sure what to say except perhaps...stay within your genre and dancing obviously is not for you.

So here's the thing about Christian musicians: there's a reason people make fun of you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

About crude terms for women

Last night some girlfriends and I were at a fair and before I begin this story let me note that I certainly understand that whilst one is at a fair they cannot expect the height of sophistication, I do expect however that people will act with common decency.

That being said, we were walking around and it was very crowded, there were people everywhere and bright lights and loud noises, but a situation where you cannot expect to have much personal space. Apparently one of my girlfriends inadvertently cut a young man off. Rather than ignore it, or at most give her a dirty look, this young man called her a slut...slow down and think about that. A teenage boy called a woman in her twenties that he did not know a slut.

Let's back up and take a look at my girlfriend. She was wearing jeans (no holes or tears), a t-shirt (not form fitting, just a regular t-shirt) and a zip-up hoodie. However, even taking a look at the very un-sluty appearance of my girlfriend, I know this young man was not referring to her outfit. I believe this young man was just using a term that is common in his everyday language to convey his annoyance with the situation.

And therein lies the problem. When did it become ok to use such offensive terms without a backwards glance? What has become of propriety? Who has enabled this young man to get away with such poor behavior?

The terms that have become so frequently used for woman are overwhelming if you sit back and think about it. I feel heartbroken at the lackadaisical way in which these terms have come to be used; terms like slut, whore, bitch, and probably others. Sadly I think that even we women have allowed this by using the terms ourselves, even as a joke.

So here’s the thing about crude terms for women: they are unacceptable, they are hurtful, they are offensive…and they should not belong to our common language.

Friday, September 12, 2008

About liaisons to physical plant...

So we moved into a new apartment last week, Monday September 1st. As we were moving we thought, my goodness it's hot in here, and indeed it was 87 degrees in the apartment. The air conditioning wasn't working. So I called the liaison from our housing complex who reports to the physical plant, the ones who do all the work. We are not supposed to contact physical plant directly, that is the liaisons job. She said it would be taken care of by noon. Good deal, I thought, air by the time we get home.

Much to my dismay, later that day I noticed that it was still hot and that evening the thermostat shut off completely. I thought perhaps they were still coming and let it go the next day because after all, they knew how hot it was, surely it would be fixed. By Thursday I was pretty annoyed and decided to actually go in and have a chat with Penny (not her real name to save her from shame). She said that the guys were working on things as we spoke and it would be taken care of by the weekend. There was some issue with the warranty and they had to take care of it.

The weekend came and went with my husband and I still sweating it out in our ridiculously hot apartment. The week was pretty busy and I just assumed it was being worked on, I hoped for the best. Yesterday, Thursday, I decided enough was enough and I was going over Penny's head. I called physical plant and left a message for a guy we know up there...any other person might have deleted our message. He called me back this morning at 8:10am, very prompt, and told me he'd be out here after lunch. He showed up soon after 1pm and within a half an hour he and a few other guys had come and gone, fixing the air and letting me know that should anything else occur I should call them. They also seemed to indicate that they didn't know there was a problem. What was he saying? What about the liaison?

So here's the thing about the liaison, what the hell is the point of a liaison that does not actually liaise (actually a word, check it out on Seriously though what's the point? Why does she even have a job? So to all you liaisons out there, do your job, people take you at your word.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

About marriage...

It's my anniversary today and I just wanted to say a little somthing about marriage. I never would have dreamed that I would marry someone that I enjoy so much. I mean certainly I hoped for it, who doesn't? But my husband is not only my husband (in the romantic sense of the word) he is also my best friend.

I say frequently that being married is like a permanent sleep-over with your best friend and it really is true. I don't have to worry about being cool, or saying the right things, I don't have to be nervous that maybe if I do this or don't do that, that he might stop liking me. There's no anxiety in that way.

I always hated that anxiety in dating. You know what I mean? That whole, "Will he still like me? What happens if...?" None of that lingers into this marriage. I am completely confident in my relationship. And what a blessing that is!

What a blessing to be in a relationship with God at the center...and what does that mean really? You hear that all the time but what in the world does it mean? For us it means that God blesses our relationship and takes us places together, not geographical locations you understand. It means that as iron sharpens iron, we help each other become better versions of ourselves with loving honesty. It means that we trust our relationship and our lives to God's plan.

Here's the thing about marriage, it is truly a gift, and I am honored to be allowed to participate.