Monday, September 21, 2009

About hatred...

I am in an area that is severely hindered by their hatred of religions other than Christianity and races other than Caucasian. Almost daily I receive forwards that are blatantly hateful and in many cases ignorant. I want so badly to respond to these emails but cannot.

The emails range from simple to intricate, enticing me to forward them on if I am in fact a true American or a true Christian. What bothers me the most is the amount of hate that spews from the pages as I read. Every single person sending me these forwards claims the name of Christ and yet; they have hate in their hearts.

I wonder do they actually read these emails before sending them on or is there some kind of social norm that requires them to do so? I wonder how am I to respond? By doing nothing am I condoning their actions? What is the right thing to do? Because of my position I have to be very careful in my interaction. How can I show them what Jesus meant when he said, “Love one another”? I feel sure that he didn’t slip “only the Christians” into that statement. I KNOW he didn’t mean “only the white people” because hell, Jesus wasn’t white.

So here’s the thing, I feel heartbroken. I feel burdened deep within both for these people, and for the ones they hate. There are so many that just don’t get it. God is love. God is LOVE. Why is it that we act so unloving?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

About satire...

The onion makes me laugh!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

About racism...

Nothing makes me more angry than people who are incredibly rude, thoughtless and racist and think they're funny.

We have a neighbor who is from Yemen, for his safety I will not tell you his real name but I will call him Joe. He is a lovely man, funny and kind, he has welcomed us willingly into his life and he owns a business down the street that we frequent.

Have you ever frequented a small business? It seems like there are always people who love to just hang out there by the counter bothering the people working. They have nothing better to do than lean on the counter and talk constantly for hours on end about nothing in particular. Well at Joe's store there is a man who does this named Mike. Mike is a classic counter-leaner, who is always there and you wonder if he has a job or anyone to come home to. He is hairy and large and is always sweating like it's 100 degrees out. This man has given me the heeby-jeebies since we moved here.

Well anyway, one day we walked in and got a few items and checked out. We had exchanged pleasantries with Joe and were walking out the door when Mike addressed us with a question. After answering, Mike continued to engage us in conversation for the next 25 minutes with no break for us to escape gracefully. He would move from one story to the next with no pause to catch a breath.

He moved from gambling to being a published poet seamlessly and then moved on to talk about his brother purchasing a hooker in Vegas. Why this man thought we would care about any these things is beyond me and we tried a few times to back away and get out with no luck.

Mike finally moved on to talk about Joe, our neighbor, who had been standing behind the counter the whole time. Mike talked about how often they hung out (by hang out did he mean he leaned on Joe's counter?) I'm not even sure how it came up but he told us he called Joe "camel" which is short for camel-jockey. Noticing the look on our faces he laughed and said it was ok, because they were such good friends. We looked at Joe with raised eyebrows, he just shrugged.

The thing is, I don't even think that Mike knew he was being such a racist bastard. But ignorance does not excuse this kind of behavior. So here's the thing about no way is it ok, in no way is it acceptable behavior. There is no excuse for ever using racial slurs. Mike is rude in many ways; but ultimately I can handle his never ceasing conversation about God-knows what, I can handle his counter-leaning and his gross tank-tops, I can even handle his 3-toothed grin, but I cannot and will not handle his blatant racism.

Unlike my other blogs, this one is not just a rant, this one is about an issue that needs to be dealt with:

There are a lot of ways that we can fight racism, we must show that we believe racism to be cowardly, shameful and beneath contempt. Our best weapons against racism are our common sense and our unity against racist violence and exploitation. Our goal needs to be social equality for all people.

And while it’s important to take part in rallies, letter-writing campaigns and the like to fight racism, it’s also important to speak out against racism in everyday life. So, the next time a coworker tells a racist joke or a family member complains about a certain ethnic group, do your part and speak up. It’s hard to fight racism at large if you can’t stand up to it in your own backyard. I'm going to do my part, you need to do yours too.