Note: Rough language to follow, be aware.
So this last weekend I went out with my sister. She really wanted to go out with her friends from class so I agreed to go along and we ended up at The Rathskeller biergarten on a weekend of Oktoberfest listening to Polka music. As strange as that sounds it was actually pretty fun dancing around to Polka versions of top forties songs as well as some great German ditties.
At any rate, at some point I had to use the ladies room and headed down hoping for a short line. No such luck, there were about forty women in line for 6 stalls. As I stood there this is the conversation that I overheard:
Woman 1: Man this line goes on forever.
Woman 2: Can you see around the corner?
Woman 1: Yeah it goes around another one!
Woman 3: Wouldn't it be great if we could wear those adult diapers and not have to break from dancing?
Woman 1: You mean like the astronaut?
Me: The one that drove across the country?
Woman 3: Yeah, if we had those we wouldn't have to waste our time here.
Woman 2: Yeah but no guy would fuck you with a diaper on.
Woman 1: You could always switch them out before the night is over.
Woman 2: And then you'd smell like piss. (This woman was not liking this idea)
Woman 3: Yeah I guess it's hard to get laid smelling like pee. (Woman 3 gave in realizing her idea wasn't that great after all)
It went on a little after that, but this is the general idea of the rest of the conversation. At first I found this pretty amusing and was giggling to myself, but then when I got to thinking about it later I was just sad for these women. They probably just need love and it made me feel depressed about their lives.
So here's the thing about drunk chicks in line for the restroom, they make me grateful for the life I have.
this makes me laugh with alarming enthusiasm.
i dont think i ever told you my Villanova Homecomign story. A few years ago i was in the ladies room at 'Nova on homecoming day (which i am guessing is different from Anderson, as we have beer trucks on campus that day for people over 21, so there is A LOT of public drunkenness). Anyway, i was waiting in line and there is this girl like 2 people in front of me in line, who is so drunk she just starts peeing her pants right there, yet made no action to show that she recognized that she peed herself. The even worse thing is that NO ONE else in line other than me who immediately ran out of the room, not one single person, was grossed out enough by this series of events that they even felt it necessary to move. Most people didnt even acknoweldge that this was occurring. Urine was streaming down the floor and getting on people's feet and it didnt even seem to matter. Take from it what you will, but on top of often having sad lives, some drunk girls in line for the restroom are just a little too drunk and a little too gross!
Wow Jennie, thanks for sharing that awesome follow-up
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