Ok, so what the hell?!? Tonight I was made aware of the new 501 jeans ad campaign which is actually an e-card sender. To check it out before you read this rant go here:
To put it bluntly this is completely lacking in taste and it has surpassed merely the suggestion of a penis and moved straight to penis shaped things coming out of pants. Really, it’s no longer an innuendo at this point Levi’s.
Seriously, how ridiculous can you be? Who’s the genius behind this marketing scheme? Hey, I’ve got a good idea. Let’s have things like a pig and a hot dog coming out of the fly. Yeah great it’ll be awesome…oh wait, it may actually turn off a large number of people in the mean time. At the best it’s mildly amusing but it’s also trashy, shocking, childish and a little nauseating.
What were they thinking? It may be funny to a small number of people but it’s more likely to make me gag than want to buy Levi’s and really…what has happened to the staple jeans of America? I’m sure if you ask most people to name a jeans manufacturer Levi’s would come up. Hell, it’s been around forever…have they suddenly decided that they would rather people not wear their jeans? Because at this point that’s what I’m thinking. Will I go out and buy some Levi’s…hmmm…wait I remember that ad they had with the penis beasts…no thanks I think I’ll try some Wrangler’s instead.
So here’s the thing about your ad campaign Levi’s 501, as Josh Loposer says, “Keep it in your pants, marketing team,” I can do without.
Awesome. I couldn't wait to turn my computer on this morning and read your critique. I would also love to read your thoughts on blatantly exaggerated and dishonest advertising someday. Just a thought...
I am up for the challange and it will be coming soon.
Wrangler, eh? Oh, dear how tragically unhip you will look.
Bret Favre and Dale Earnhardt Jr. both endorse and wear Wrangler 5 star denim. If it's good enough for the son of the intimidator, it's good enough for me.
Killer response!
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