Thursday, October 9, 2008

About Barack Obama

As I've been watching debates, commercials, etc. this presidential year I have seen one thing that keeps happening that is starting to bug the shit out of me. Want to know what it is? All the hating of Barack Obama.

McCain lovers everywhere including lay people, newscasters, politicians and even McCain himself cannot give me one good reason to vote for McCain, all they give me is reasons not to vote for Obama. For me this seems to be a fairly ridiculous platform to stand on as the reason why he should be president of our country.

The only other reason I'm given for voting for McCain, besides the fact that he's not Barack Obama, is that he spent over 5 years as a POW. Wow...really!? Does that really give someone all the skills they need to lead a country? Let's think about that one logically. Actually I think that kind of trauma would give someone a great reason to stay low-key the rest of his life. So go home McCain.

But let's not be like McCain lovers. I'm not going to try to convince you based on what a duchebag McCain is, I'd rather tell you why I'm voting for Barack Obama.

Let's get this clear, Barack Obama may be young but he's well accomplished. I don't want someone telling me I can't do my job because I'm only in my twenties, and he's twice my age! If he had only spent the amount of time being prepared for his work that I've spent preparing for mine I'd be satisfied, but he's done more than that. And sure he admits that he tried cannabis and cocaine during this time of his youth. Are any of us perfect? Have you never done anything as a young person that you regret? Is there no forgiveness for our immaturities? Are you the same person you were when you were 18? I'm not and thank God for that.

Upon graduation in 1983, Obama worked for one year at Business International Corporation before moving to Chicago and taking a job with a non-profit organization helping local churches organize job training programs for residents of poor neighborhoods. This seems like a guy who knows the people of the country. It seems like he probably understands what we need.

When Obama was thirty he was teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. In 1996 when I was a mere teen and longing for my first kiss, he was in the Illinois senate and Obama helped to author an Earned Income Tax Credit for the state that provided benefits to the working poor. He also worked for legislation that would cover residents who could not afford health insurance, and helped pass bills to increase funding for AIDS prevention and care programs. He also pushed through legislation that would force insurance companies to cover routine mammograms (good news women). And for the last four years he has been serving on the US Senate.

And these are only a few highlights. Yes, I have done my homework and I know what's going on so McCain's groupies can send me as many forwards as they like, I'm voting Obama/Biden 2008. Who's with me?


Midge said...

Oh, I'm with ya. And here's the thing about being unemployed: I get to volunteer a LOT for Obama!

Ashleigh New said...

This was a great post. Thank you. Though, sadly, I think McCain supporters are so entrenched that they are hard pressed to listen to anything other than Fox New's propaganda.