Friday, January 23, 2009

About Windshield Wipers

So my windshield wiper broke this week. You know in the winter when there's all sorts of snow and ice and you accidentally hit the windshield wiper button and it tries to go but can't because of ice? Well that evidently totally screws up the wiper arm (not just the blade). Without pointing fingers, the other person who drives my car did this at some point when I was not in the car last week.

So we were travelling this week and I hit the thing to turn the wipers on and the passenger wiper went but the driver's side blade only jumped a few inches but didn't go all the way up, leaving a terrible streak on my windshield and hindering my view, so I'm thinking, what the hell?

So my unnamed friend said, "oh when it was icy last week I accidentally hit the wiper blades, that's probably what happened, it'll be ok. " So we try to fix it and it worked ok once he got out and moved it up a little. So I guess it was just slipping. So I think that everything is probably ok and we drive north for a yearly trip. We get further and further up north and the snow starts spitting. You know the kind of snow that spits at your windshield and splatters from the other vehicles on the road? The kind for which you only occasionally turn on the blades? Well I finally have to turn them on and of course I'm nervous, and of course the same thing happens which only makes the view worse.

We have to stop for gas anyway so I run by an Auto Parts store and to ask what's going on and OF COURSE, the wiper blades start working as they are supposed to. Cars, I'm convinced, are instruments of the devil. So they are working fine for the time being but I'm convinced that when it starts snowing tommorow, as it is supposed to, I will be SOL again. Stupid windshield wipers.

So here's the thing about windshield wipers...I don't like them, that's all. I don't like how they only have three dumb settings: so slow you forget they're on, just barely too slow to be useful, and so fast that they squeak. I don't like how you have to knock them off every five minutes when it snows. And I don't like how they have so much influence on my automobile experience, I don't like windshield wipers.


Anonymous said...

Word. Every time I'm driving in precipitation, I find myself wondering why someone hasn't come up with a more durable and high-tech version of the windshield wiper by now.

Ashleigh New said...

bingo, nice hit on this one. Especially the last paragraph.